« New Aer-O-Tec showroomanother success with SHINTO »

e-mail contact and communication

We are spending a lot of time for communication with our customers to share our experience and advicse for the right model.
For this reason please consider that we can not always answer a e-mail request at the same day - thank you for the understanding
that it may last a couple of days before we can send all the requested information !

Delivery time is about 4-8 months for most of our models with individual colours and construction.

For faster delivery times we offer now a new serial collection of our most wanted models !
Please follow our homepage and facebook page for further information...

Watch out for COLLECTION 2015 !!!...

Click here for a overview and specification of our models.....

  19.11.14 15:18:00, von Stefan   , 116 Wörter, Kategorien: Competitions ,

3 Kommentare

Kommentar von: Claude MOINIER [Besucher]  

Dear all,

It is my intention to order the SATORI-eVo electro, F5J version carbon 68 with the option to install 2 servos directly into v-tails. Could you please inform me how to proceed?

Thank you & kind regards,
Claude Moinier

20.11.14 @ 09:55
Kommentar von: Mauroux Gilles [Besucher]
Mauroux Gilles


Could you communicate to me the price of a fuselage in spare part of a model “Tanga”.
Price net of tax for Switzerland and delivery time.
Price without stabilizer, key of wing.
Thank you

Best Regards


02.12.14 @ 17:49
Kommentar von: Gonzalo [Besucher]

Hello, I am interested in the Shinto F3B ready to fly.
How much time from order to shipping? Cost?

Greetings from Chile,
Gonzalo Simon

17.04.15 @ 15:41

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