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SHINTOis our most successful F3F comptition glider but it proves its allround performance in various versions and conditions as Shinto-B or superlight Shinto-J.
Now we modified and reinforced it even more with the help of top pilots of F3F-team France.
It is meant for heavy conditions as it is known from Typhoon Race in Taiwan !
And this is also the reason why it is called SHINTO-T !
2 Kommentare

Hi ,
i have recently bought a Shinto T series and love it .
i,m still fine tuning it at the moment , im lost as in what is the best CG for this glider ?
I have CG set at 80 mm from the leading edge and it seems to fly quite well does this seem normal for this glider to have the CG this far Forward ? Any advise would be greatly appreciated .

Hey Brett,
Whats the minimum wind speed you need to keep it up in the air on a slope?
Is it flying with low wind speeds or is it too heavy?